Anti-agingHave you ever seen an older person that just looks “so-so” and people around them say things like…

“She looks GREAT for her age!”

You nod in agreement…

…but in the back of your mind, you believe that you will be in better condition when you reach that same age.

If you are young?

I encourage you to think like this.

…but staying fit and vibrant won’t happen by accident.

It requires work and mental toughness.

…especially from your late 30’s onward.

If you are 35 or older?

The free ride of looking and feeling great with minimal effort is OVER.

You don’t realize how easy you had it in your 20’s and 30’s…until you are in your 40’s and beyond.

As you get older, don’t just sit back and age gracefully!

“Aging Gracefully” just sounds so passive.

Fight aging until you have no fight left.

Starting at around the age of 40-50, the vast majority of people slowly become shells of their former selves.

Don’t aim for average!

Have higher standards for your life.

I’ve never met anyone over 50 who looks fit and defined by accident.

There is no problem with looking your age.

Just make sure you are the most badass energetic man or woman you can possibly be for your age!

You are NOT going to beat wrinkles and obvious age patterns.

…but you can have a body that operates decades younger than your actual age.

Where do most people screw up?

The majority of people focus on diet, but my research has shown it is lack of proper exercise that accelerates the aging process.

Your body begins to break down and decay in your 40’s and 50’s…it becomes the body’s default mode.

Why does this happen?

From an evolutionary point of view, we aren’t as useful after our childbearing years.

We aren’t reproducing…

…and we are taking up valuable resources like water and food.

It’s us against a body that wants to wither away by default.

There is only one way to slow this process to a crawl.

It is with exercise.